
Holistic financial education solution for employers

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Holistic financial education solution for employers

Employer Stories
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Measurable change in your ROI for this staff benefit

Worth offers a holistic financial wellness intervention for corporates in South Africa with 20 or more employees. Our products and services have been built to work together seamlessly in order to help you effect real change in the personal finances of your staff, cement your reputation as a top employer and to be implemented easily by your team.


Face-to-face training
Available in English, Zulu or Sotho. Structure: 2 half day sessions, two weeks apart OR 1 full day session
Online course for individuals
5 Lessons. 6 hours in total. No prior learning required. CPD accredited. Employees given 60 days to complete.
Online course for couples
5 Lessons. 6 hours in total. No prior learning required. CPD accredited. Employees given 60 days to complete.
Technical support
For any online learning issue, employees can contact our help desk for technical assistance.
Money Coaching™
If employees have any content-related questions, our tutors are on hand to help via email or telephone.
Credit score
An optional extra for employers who’d like employees to track their credit score over a 12 month period.
Students issued with a downloadable, personalised Certificate of Completion when they finish their course.
Sales of financial products
We are 100% independent. That is why you pay us to educate your staff and that is all we do.


Marketing support
2 ready-made marketing campaigns ready to launch the benefit and encourage staff to complete (posters, emailers and a promotion).
Automated communication platform
Our online learning environment will communicate with your learners – via email or SMS – when they need to be nudged or congratulated.
Employee risk analysis
Employers given an umbrella view of their total staff Financial Risk Analysis – before and after we roll out our solution for you.
Worth Reporting dashboard
A custom-built visual reporting dashboard enabling you to see at a glance amount of staff enrolled and their progress from start to finish.
Graded Certificate of Competence issued to eligible HR staff in the implementation of a Worth Financial Wellness Programme to certify new skillset for interested parties.

Step 1

Request a call

One of our directors would love to chat to you about your requirements – either through a telecon (nationwide) or we can come meet with you in person if you’re based in Johannesburg.

Request a pilot

If you know this is something your staff needs, kick off the process by requesting a pilot, or full rollout, here. As soon as you accept our quote, it’s all systems go.

Step 2

Receive your “FinEd in a Box”

Once we’ve confirmed your training dates, we’ll deliver one of our coveted rollout boxes to your office. In it, you’ll receive everything you need to launch this benefit to your staff – including two marketing campaigns (in print and digital), a promotional prize for an enthusiastic employee and a personalised rollout guide that you can use to reference critical dates for this staff initiative.

Step 3

Learning commences

Depending on your unique blend of services chosen for your organisation, learning will commence for your employees via one of three channels: launch talks, online learning licenses issued or face-to-face training.

Before we kick off, we’ll present you with pre-course assessments highlighting financial issues and risks that your employees face, as well as what they’d like to achieve with this training.

Step 4

We monitor progression

Now your HR team can log onto our reporting dashboard themselves or look forward to reports from our team, regarding how many of your staff have started, and how they’re progressing through the online courseware. We give you material to run a promotion to assist in keeping this initiative top-of-mind, as well as exciting.

Step 5

We report on your ROI

Learning closes 60-days after commencement. Now we wrap up your completion report, where we provide you with a breakdown of everyone’s progress, the overall financial risk assessment improvements and testimonials from staff.

This is where we showcase how we have impacted your employees levels of indebtedness, reduced their financial vulnerability, living within their salaries and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Financial Wellness for employees is critical for an engaged and productive workforce. Often HR teams are the most exposed to employees’ financial distress. These frequently asked questions may help you navigate the best possible way to tackle this issue in your organisation.

How much is money-related stress costing my organisation?2018-12-19T10:39:54+02:00

R per week in your business is wasted in productive man hours by financially stressed employees working on their personal finances.
I’d like to know what kind of independent research has been done to show the impact of money in the workforce?2018-11-30T11:40:04+02:00

There are a number of studies that show both the impact on the physical & mental health of employees, as well as their productivity at work. The PwC Employee Financial Wellness Survey is a great resource (with international figures) and locally, the Momentum Effective Employee Index has some great stats too. A survey commissioned by the American Psychological Association created a great infographic on the effects of financial stress and this article by Forbes gives a great overview of how financial stress impacts physical and mental health.

What services do you offer?2018-11-30T11:46:54+02:00

We offer a complete financial education solution for corporates. This includes a customised blend of:

  1. online courses in English
  2. multi-language face-to-face training
  3. supporting benefit marketing collateral
  4. tutor and help desk assistance for learners
  5. an employer portal from which you can access any information you may require on your ROI for rolling out this benefit to your employees.
Can this training count towards our Scorecard? CPD points?2018-11-30T11:41:54+02:00

It does. We are CPD-accredited and all our long-form courses count toward Category F on the BBEEE-Scorecard. Please contact if you’d like more info on how you can use this training across your organisation for points.

Why shouldn’t I just use the many free financial education programmes offered to my staff by financial services businesses?2018-11-30T11:42:11+02:00

Because unless a financial education programme is being offered by a non-profit organisation someone is making money somewhere. Historically, “free” financial education talks have often been conducted by brokers of financial services businesses as a conduit to product sales, where they earn commission based on the “education” or advice they give in these sessions. That’s why we’re fiercely independent educators and are very clear about telling employees that their employers have paid for them to receive this benefit and that we’re not going to sell them anything.

I’ve already got an EAP in my organisation that provides debt counselling. Why should I pay more for your benefit?2018-12-13T08:57:54+02:00

Most Employee Assistance Programme’s (EAPs) only offer financial support services to very over-indebted staff and thereby only service a very small percentage of staff in a reactive way. This is a proactive service to equip the majority of staff in your business that perceive the value proposition of their salaries to be diminishing because they are finding it harder and harder to make ends meet. Because our offering is not only proactive, but also aspirational – we talk about using salaries to build wealth – we get much higher uptake rates than a traditional EAP. So as you can see, it’s a wholly different offering – and that’s why it’s a good adjunct to the EAP service you already have in place.

These issues only affect a small segment of my staff. Can we rollout a solution just for them?2018-11-30T11:42:42+02:00

Sure you can. But we advise strongly against doing so. In our experience, it’s far better to offer this benefit to ALL staff as we know that financial stress affects people throughout every salary bracket and job description. No one is immune. That’s why we typically ask companies to run a pilot (for a cross-section of staff) if they’re unsure so that we can use our financial risk scoring and staff feedback to show you whether it’s worth rolling out across the board.

How can I measure a ROI for my business?2018-12-13T09:00:10+02:00

We provide all corporates with a sophisticated employer portal through which they can

  • access registration, progression and completion information for all staff
  • view their financial risk score for both pre and post our Worth financial education intervention

That will give you the hard numbers you can use to motivate and show success to your colleagues and interested stakeholders.

In the meantime, there’s also the softer stuff – the stories of those staff whose lives you’ve changed through the rolling out of this benefit. We capture those and provide you with them too.

What happens if we pay for this initiative and there’s no appetite for it or uptake by employees?2018-12-13T09:01:21+02:00

You pay for what you use. We do not want you paying for staff who do not want to participate in the training. Having said that we do usually have a 92% uptake rate by staff who are offered our employee benefit at our launch talks. If you’re not sure please book a pilot with us.

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